Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breaking Bad Series Finale - Noodles Review

10 out of 10 Noodles

   It's the end of an era, the end of an empire, the end of one of the greatest shows to ever grace our TV screens. Breaking Bad has come to an end. Usually, when shows end, its biggest fans are sad that its ending. But I can honestly say that I'm not depressed at all. I'm utterly satisfied and excited at the closing of this amazing show.
  Throughout the whole show, we've witnessed some of the greatest writing, acting, and character development ever; especially concerning the main character, Walter White. Watching the pilot episode and then watching an episode from the last season, one would believe that its two different characters. That was always one of my favourite things about Breaking Bad; it really evolved this character in every single episode. Sometimes you didn't even notice how much he's changed until you saw a scene from a past episode and realized, "Wow, that's a different guy!" It's so great to see this innocent guy decline into a ruthless, Scarface-type, intellectual badass. You really gotta tip your hat off to Bryan Cranston. I knew he was a good actor all along but he never really stood out. Then he came along and played one of the most interesting and intense characters in entertainment history to sheer brilliance. I can't even count how many times he says just the simplest things like "I am the one who knocks," that blow me away and really make you see how much of a true badass he is. Just as well, Aaron Paul, who plays Walt's partner Jesse Pinkman, has done the character such justice. It's very noticeable that he has very little dialogue in this final season, but he conveys so much emotion so well in this season with just his presence. He really has become such a damaged character and I just always wanted him to get out of everything okay.
   Just like how it's a given that this show has spectacular acting, it has fantastic writing. No, more than fantastic. It's phenomenal. Vince Gilligan has crafted a great and intense, yet condensed, masterpiece. Each episode was so intense and all of them felt necessary. Even the ones that seemed like "filler" episodes contained important character development and such. The writing of the end of this just blew me away though. Finales of big TV shows are hard to grasp. It's not easy to please everyone or do everything the right way. What I love about Breaking Bad, though, is that it ended on such a great note. It gave perfect closure to the show, tying up all the loose ends, giving essentially every character a meaningful conclusion, and stayed true to being intense as always with a healthy dose of emotionally heavy encounters.
    With this show, there's so many predictions of what we wanna see happen and what we think will happen. Everyone has their own thoughts, but it's written so well that a lot of the time what we wanted to happen will happen, but in a completely surprising manner. It pleases the viewers while at the same time being fresh and unpredictable. Breaking Bad is one of my favourite TV shows of all time, and is really a masterpiece. It's one of those things that'll perpetually keep you fascinated with what's going on in these realistically crazy situations. There's too many great things to name about it: the top-notch acting, the excellent writing, the direction (it's like that of a movie), the intensity, the replay value. You really get sucked into this story and get seriously emotionally attached. You'll never see what's coming next and the show always shotguns you in the face with something awesome and fresh. My jaw dropped to the floor countless times because Breaking Bad rightly deserves even more than 10 out of 10 Noodles.

If you haven't watched Breaking Bad, I urge you to do so because it is seriously so great. It might start off a little slow but I can't stress enough how truly amazing it is. I'd have to say Season 5 is my favourite but really every season is spectacular.

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