10. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some beans and a nice chianti."
-Hannibal Lecter
One of the most suspenseful movies of all time: Silence of the Lambs is a stellar film. Winner of the Big 5 Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Writing, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress), Silence of the Lambs is both calm and intense. Anthony Hopkins's Hannibal Lecter is played to perfection (and is personally one of my favourite movie characters of all time) and every scene he's in will truly make you tingle. Then there's Buffalo Bill, whose character truly make you believe that he is a psychopath. Great characters. Top-notch writing. Epic suspense. Watch this movie.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
-Lt. Colonel Kilgore
This is a war classic and one of the most thought-provoking war movies ever made. Apocalypse Now truly set the bar for war movies to come, and for a reason. The action and effects were ahead of its time and the characters (thanks to the performances by the legends Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, and Marlon Brando) are fleshed out and emotional. If you don't like war movies, this movie will most likely get you into them if you can truly appreciate film.
8. Se7en (1995)
Never has there been such a unique movie about serial killers. In this film, David Fincher (who later directed Fight Club and The Social Network) shows how chilling and unique his direction can be. This movie is envious (see what I did there) and I have always had a lust for it (see what I did there!). Se7en is a movie that'll keep you on your toes. The killer (who kills his victims according to the Seven Deadly scenes) is unknown until the end of the movie and his monologues are enough to make him one of the greatest villains of all time.
"No! Try not! Do or do not. There is no try."
I'm personally a huge Star Wars fan, but Empire Strikes Back really leaps over the incredibly high bar that the original had set. Empire Strikes Back is the darkest and also the most humanizing. From the exciting Battle of Hoth to Yoda's guidance of the force, Episode 5 does everything perfectly; not to mention special effects way ahead of its time. Not only is the action and story great, but the emotion is what really makes this the best Star Wars movie and one of the greatest movies of all time, along with having one of the biggest twists in film history.
6. Forrest Gump (1994)
"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates; ya never know what you're gonna get."
-Forrest Gump
Few movies can perfectly merge the elements comedy, drama, emotion, real life, and spontaneity. Forrest Gump does this all with ease, telling the story of the life of a simple man with the most fantastic life. This movie brings some of the greatest acting and character development ever, along with some hilariously quirky instances. There are so many things that go on in this movie; of which all are memorable. As one of the most heartfelt yet interestingly funny movies ever made, Forrest Gump a movie everyone should see and enjoy.
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