9.5 out of 10 Noodles
Look up the word "awe" in the dictionary... ya know what you'll find?
Jurassic Park. And now in 3D! Usually, I don't really like post-converted 3D in movies, but this one won me over. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always loved Jurassic Park (I think we all did) and I'd always heard that it was one of the best movie theater experiences ever. Unfortunately, I wasn't born when this originally came out so I never got the chance to experience that... until now! And damn, were they right when they said it was an awesome movie theater experience because it sure as hell is. It's so fun, engrossing, and thrilling to watch it on the big screen, with all the sound surrounding you (the sound in
Jurassic Park has got to be some of the best sound in a movie ever).
Jurassic Park is also one of the most monumental movies of all time. It defined CGI. The CGI and special effects in this movie still holdup today and are even better than most movies today.

The story of
Jurassic Park is that a really rich guy has cloned dinosaurs to make an amusement park full of living dinosaurs (you would do that if you could too). Because they are these live dinosaurs in the park, his investors say that he needs approval from experts, so he recruits Dr. Alan Grant (a paleontologist who is more or less the protagonist of the movie), Dr. Elli Sattler (a paleobotanist), and Dr. Ian Malcom (a mathematician who's character is pretty much the show stealer). Through a number of circumstances, the dinosaurs get loose and all hell breaks loose. Now, we have our movie being one of the most awe-inspiring movies ever; as well as being one of the most suspenseful movies ever. When the characters first enter Jurassic Park, you see the many dinosaurs in the distance and the theme (one of the greatest movie themes of all time) is playing in the background. Your jaw just drops. And the dinosaurs look awesome. Sometimes they're CGI, sometimes they're animatronic. Sometimes they're amazing... oh wait, that's all the time. One of my favourite scenes is when the T-Rex is attacking the car and a flashlight shines in its eye and the eye dilates. That just shows how detailed and alive these dinos are.

But the dinosaurs don't wreak havoc until about halfway, or even 3/4, through the film. Even yet, the movie does a brilliant job of immersing you into it, bringing you onto this island, and getting you to care for the characters. The dialogue and acting are so good that you feel as though you're there with the characters (it drags sometimes but it's easy to get past that). And when they're in peril, you feel as though you're in danger too. I just can't stress how substantial the suspense in
Jurassic Park is. The 3D does add to that, too. The 3D in this movie is probably the best post-converted 3D I've ever seen and it works really well.
Jurassic Park is really a movie that everyone should experience (notice how I didn't say "watch"). If you get the chance, see it in theaters and have your mind absolutely blown. The movie is full of awe and imagination; it sometimes makes me feel like a little kid again. The characters are likable; their dialogue is believable and sometimes humorous. The dinosaurs are awesome. The suspense is intense as hell. The soundtrack is perfect. It's a classic... it's a
9.5 out of 10 Noodles.
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