3 out of 10 Noodles

Teen romantic dramas have taken over all of our favorite classic monsters. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Zombies. Oh no! I hope they don't take aliens next! Oh wait... they just did.
The Host is based off of the book by Stephanie Meyer and it's about the aftermath of an alien invasion in which the aliens take over the bodies of humans and use them as "hosts." But the host's mind is still inside the body, fighting with the mind of the alien that's taken over. Pretty cool concept, right? Let's just throw in some middle school bulls**t romance, that'll make it better, right? Wrong... Now, I'm not against romance at all; I'm a sucker for
The Time Traveler's Wife and
Atonement, but those movies were actually done well and the romance is fitting. Putting a juvenile love triangle in the middle of an alien invasion story can only fit if you do it in an interesting way. Needless to say, this movie was not successful in that endeavor. The love story in this movie is so convoluted (there's actually a love rhombus. Not a triangle, a rhombus) that it's just not interesting. The dialogue, considering the situation that they're actually the aftermath of an alien invasion, isn't believable at all and the teen romance is just so out of place.
There's not really much else to say about this movie. The premise of it is actually really cool and interesting; there are so many possibilities with it. But, the execution of that wasn't good and then, on top of it all, there's a teen love story going on (of which isn't done well either). It's not worth seeing in theaters but maybe on DVD if you're desperate. 3 out of 10 Noodles.... I honestly feel that's it's worse than the Twilight movies.
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