Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Breakers - Noodles Review

Spring Breakers

6 out of 10 Noodles

        When Disney stars go bad... I guess this happens. Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens star in this movie, which takes them far from their previous roles in Disney and family material. I can tell you that this is not a family movie. Spring Breakers is a modern take on what people in our modern society do these days at the age of these particular girls and then what the consequences can be. It follows the four title girls on a quest to have the best spring break ever. So, they try to rob a store, but they end up getting arrested and bailed out by an arms & drugs dealer, who takes them into a life of partying, drugs, craziness, etc etc. 
       I originally wanted to see this film to see how the Disney princesses (Gomez and Hudgens) could transform themselves into such an adult role. Additionally, I'm always interested in the Harmony Korine's films because they're so different and really stand out, even though only one of his films has actually been good. Spring Breakers, on its roots, is a party movie and I can only enjoy a party movie if its characters and events are written well. That was the problem I had with recent party movies like 21 And Over and Project X; they lacked depth or anything characters for the viewer to get into. Thankfully, Harmony Korine is a good writer, because this movie is pretty interesting and deep. 
     The first half of this movie is pretty much a really big music video because we just see partying and women with little clothes on. It's sort of dragging and nothing is really happening that's good for the movie. All we see is the provocative stuff that all the teens paid to see: girls, boobs, music. But the movie really picks up in the second half when James Franco's character comes in. James Franco is an awesome actor with great range; and he really gets into this role as the arm & drugs dealer that brings the girls into the life of trouble-making and craziness. From then on, the movie is very unpredictable and deep, and I really like that. As far the girls, their performances are good as well (just not as great as James Franco, but he's awesome) as you see their lives fall into crime and drugs and the underground world. There are several scenes where it gets emotional or pretty crazy and it actually kept me invested in the movie.
      Overall, I was very surprised by this movie. It was a completely different tone in the second half and I was really engrossed into that. The writing and directing styles of Korine is unique and sometimes even hypnotic, as well the acting by the main characters being entertaining. Though, the beginning wasn't particularly enjoyable, this movie is still very unique and the second half just sorta draws you in, and for that I'm gonna give Spring Breakers 6 out of 10 Noodles. 

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